Fragrance Factory vs. Wafer Air Fresheners

Friday, November 22, 2024
air care

Fragrance Factory vs. Wafer Air Fresheners

You’re looking for a small-space fragrance system, and you’ve come across Fragrance Factory®. But how does this system compare to systems that use wafers? Which system will perform better in your facility? How do you know what will work for you at all?

At State Chemical, we manufacture and distribute chemical solutions for several categories of problems, one of which is odors. We know that it can be challenging to figure out the best ambient scenting system for your specific situation when you don’t work in the fragrance industry, so it’s our goal to provide you with accurate information to help you make your purchase.

To help you decide between Fragrance Factory and a fragrance system that uses wafers, we’ll explain how wafers work, how Fragrance Factory works, where the best locations to use wafers are, and where the best places to use Fragrance Factory are. After reading, you’ll know which type of system will work best in your facility.

What is a Wafer Air Freshener?

When we say “wafer,” we’re referring to solid blocks that contain absorbed fragrance. These scented blocks are hand-sized squares made of fabric, paper products, or other solid materials.

The squares are inserted into a fan-propelled fragrance system, where they rely on evaporation to function—when the absorbed fragrance evaporates from the block, it enters the air as a pleasant smell.

Because natural evaporation might relegate this evaporated fragrance to a smaller area, fragrance systems containing wafers often use a fan to propel the scent through the room as it evaporates from the wafer. This way, fragrance will be spread evenly throughout appropriately sized spaces, keeping the area fresh for as long as the wafer contains scent.

Wafer air fresheners can be purchased online or over the phone from commercial air freshener distributors and manufacturers.

Where to Use Air Freshener Wafers

Generally, wafers are useful for situations where you need flexibility. Because of their design, you can usually use a variable number of wafers in a system. If you prefer a subtler scent, you can use just one wafer. Meanwhile, if you want more fragrance, you can use several at a time. This is also a good way to prolong the scent potency since wafers’ strength will start to decline after several days of use.

However, it’s important to note that many of the benefits and drawbacks of wafer systems compared to Fragrance Factory will not be based on the wafers themselves but on the systems they are part of.

Instead of focusing on scenting methods, consider how much fragrance each system holds, how powerful the fan is, and the shape of the system compared to the shape of your space (e.g., a tunnel-shaped system will perform much better in a tunnel than in a square room). These factors will affect the system’s coverage of your space, which affects what will be the system best suited for your individual space.

Overall, wafers will tend to start with a strong fragrance, but that fragrance will decline throughout the month before you replace it. For more consistency in fragrancing, explore cold air diffusion systems instead of wafers or Fragrance Factory.

What is Fragrance Factory?

Similar to wafer-based systems, Fragrance Factory is a small-space fragrance system that relies on evaporation and a fan to propel fragrance—only, Fragrance Factory uses water-based gel packs (known as Fragrance Paks™) rather than solid blocks.

Fragrance Factory, like a wafer-based system, is intended to be used in smaller areas. This can include an elevator, a two-stall bathroom, a short hallway, or another space under 2,000 cubic feet.

Where to Use Fragrance Factory

As with wafer-based systems, Fragrance Factory is flexible toward fragrance strength preferences. For a subtler scent, you can use just one Fragrance Pak at a time. Meanwhile, for a stronger scent, you can use two Fragrance Paks at a time. This can help to offset declining scent potency over the month before the Fragrance Paks are replaced. Wafer-based systems may be able to hold more wafers than this, but again, the most critical factor is the functionality of the system itself.

The shape of Fragrance Factory is fit for a square or rectangular space. It may not function as well in a long hallway since the fragrance can’t evenly reach both ends, but Fragrance Factory is an effective option for a more compact space.

Additionally, with Fragrance Factory comes monthly service, where a sales representative will switch out Fragrance Paks to maintain a consistent fragrance. They will also switch out batteries as needed and ensure that everything is functioning properly.

Consider the qualities of your space, the functionality of your intended system, and how much time you’ll have to focus on maintaining your system. The method of dispersing fragrance won’t usually impact your facility much, but the coinciding factors will.

Learn More About State Chemical’s Fragrance Factory System

When you’re outside the fragrance industry, it can be hard to know what ambient scenting systems perform the best—and this is true as you try to determine whether you need a wafer-based system or Fragrance Factory. Now, you know that the method of fragrancing matters less than your individual space and how the system will perform in it.

To continue learning about what Fragrance Factory would look like in your facility, watch the video below.


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